Discover Exclusive Deals at InstaFix β
Unbeatable Offers, Unmatched Quality!
Deals and Promos
At InstaFix, we understand that fixing your device or getting a new device can be financially challenging. That's why we offer a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) option to make the latest gadgets more accessible.
Flexible Payment Plans: Choose a payment plan that suits your budget.
No Interest: Enjoy the convenience of BNPL without worrying about interest charges.
Easy Approval Process: Experience a hassle-free application process for our BNPL option.
Buy Now, Pay Later
Freebies for All
Buy or fix any device and get a surprise freebie.
Our selection of freebies includes accessories, gadgets, and tech essentials that add value to your overall experience. From stylish phone cases and high-quality headphones to power banks and more β we've curated a range of freebies that cater to different preferences
Refer a friend and Earn a cool GHS 30 for each referral you make.
Tell your friend or colleague about us
They buy a product or fix a device
Receive your reward, insta-zap!!!
Refer and Earn! Yah, that Simple
You can equally sign up to become a partner and get a referral code for even bigger rewards and goodies.
Special Order Service
We understand that sometimes the perfect device is not always readily available. That's why we're excited to introduce our Special Order Service
How to Place Your Special Order:
Visit our store or contact our customer service team.
Specify the make and model of the device you're looking for.
Our team will provide you with all the details, including pricing and estimated delivery time.
Confirm your order by making a deposit, and leave the rest to us!
Getting the device you've been dreaming of should be a hassle-free experience.
We're on a mission to make a positive impact on the environment and communities across Ghana.
Join the TechRevolution: Donate Old Devices for Recycling! ππ±
Why Donate? ππ
Environmental Stewardship: Recycling your old and unused devices prevents electronic waste from ending up in landfills, reducing environmental impact.
Resource Conservation: Extracting valuable materials from recycled electronics helps conserve precious natural resources.
Community Development: Your donation can contribute to initiatives that bridge the digital divide, providing technology access to underserved communities.
Be a Tech Hero! π¦ΈββοΈπYour small action today can lead to significant positive changes tomorrow.
Our Partnerships
Original parts and services guaranteed from our partners
Our Numbers
Unique Customers
Repairs Completed
Satisfaction Rate
055 155 4488
020 337 4488
Our Hours
Mon-Sat : 9am -7pm
Sundays: Closed
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